21 октября 2012 года состоится публичный семинар по Commando Krav Maga (CKM — система рукопашного боя, применяющаяся армейскими спецподразделениями Израиля). Семинар проводится в Пекине основателем школы — Мони Айзиком. Мони — бывший израильский коммандос, ветеран войн и службы в антитеррорестических и разведывательных спецподразделениях Израиля, многократный чемпион по Дзюдо и Джиу-Джитсу. Подробности на сайте: www.ckmchina.net.
Commando Krav Maga, being used by Israeli Elite Military Forces as fighting system and being re-developed as a reality-based street-survival self-defence system for civil citizens, attracts great interest of a lot of people around the world. We are pleased to inform that the Chief Instructor and Founder of Commando Krav Maga Moni Aizik will hold a public seminar on CKM on 21 October in Beijing. Moni would be very pleased to meet you personally at this event and exchange with you his knowledge about self-defense in extreme situations. Moni is an ex Israeli Special Forces commando, world renowned combat expert, Judo and Jujitsu Champion, counter terrorism expert and instructor of no hold barred world champions.
If you feel an interest in CKM, we cordially invite you to attend the above-mentioned Public Seminar and/or the Instructor Course (boot camp) which will take place in Beijing on 24-27 October. After successful completion of the boot camp course, instructor certificate of a certain level will be granted, which will allow you to teach CKM. But, of course, you can also participate in the Boot Camp just for self-improvement.
For more details, please visit http://ckmchina.net.
Please feel free to mail or call us if you have any questions.